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Oferecemos bolsas de Pós Graduação, Mestrado e Doutorado gratuitamente a todos os alunos que já tenham concluído a graduação, através de nossa Fundação. e-mail Fone: +55 64 99262-7706. (71) 987019964. ONU.
(Version 1.1)
GENERALName, objects, powers, general structure clauses 1-4
MEMBERS Qualifications, application, withdrawal, expulsion, fees clauses 5-9
COUNCIL Powers, members, meetings clauses 10-12
MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Powers, members, meetings clauses 13-15
SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD Powers, members, meetings clauses 16-19
PROCEDURES Eligibility, election, re-election, termination of office clauses 20-23
ADMINISTRATION Minutes, accounting records,notices, registration of members Clauses 24-28
MISCELLANEOUS Personal interests, holding property, dissolution, alterations to the constitution
Clauses 29-37
1. The name of the College is “THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF MEDICAL PSYCHOPATHOLOGY AND AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NEUROPSYCHOANALYSIS” (hereinafter referred to as “the COLLEGE”). The logo of the COLLEGE will be based on the MEDICAL SIMBOL.
2. The objects of the College and Association shall be to further the scientific and professional issues within the field of neurosciencies, including cognitive neuropsychology, clinical neuropsychology, behavioural neurology, neuroimaging and neuropsychological rehabilitation. This mission will be achieved through close relationships with each member organization.
3. In pursuance of the objects set out in clause 2 (but not otherwise), the College shall have the following powers:
(a) To encourage and help develop Scientifical programmes of clinical and experimental neuropsychological research along with pre- and postgraduate teaching and to put forward any instances related to neuropsychopathology to the relevant political or bureaucratic bodies as the College may deem fit. The College may also engage in other activities which contribute to the advancement of neuropsychology and related topics within World and will liaise with other relevant scientific and clinical bodies.
(b) To carry on any other activities which further any of the above objects.
(c) To improve, manage, develop, or otherwise deal with, all or any part of the property and rights of the College.
(d) To employ such staff as are considered appropriate for the proper conduct of the College's activities.
(e) To engage such consultants and advisers as are considered appropriate from time to time.
(f) To effect insurance of all kinds (which may include officers’ liability insurance).
(g) To invest any funds which are not immediately required for the College activities in such investments as may be considered appropriate (and to dispose of, and vary, such investments).
(h) To take such steps as may be deemed appropriate for the purpose of raising funds for the College’s activities.
(i) To accept grants, donations and legacies of all kinds (and to accept any reasonable conditions attaching to them).
(j) To do anything which may be incidental or conducive to the furtherance of any of the College’s objects.
General structure
4. The structure of the College shall consist of:
(a) The COUNCIL which is the membership body of th College consisting of the delegates of the affiliated neuroscientifical societies. The COUNCIL convenes at least every two years.
(b) The MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (MC) which administers the activities of the College; in particular, the Management Committee is responsible for monitoring the financial position of the College.
(c) The SCIENTIFIC ADVISORY BOARD (SAB) which advises the Council and Management Committee on scientific matters including, but not limited to, the congress programmes.
Membership: Qualification, application, withdrawal, expulsion, and fees
5. Ordinary membership shall be open to any neuropsychological society in America or any Country concerned with the objectives of the College according to clause 2. The College may specify additional criteria for membership.
6. The Council may, at its discretion, accept or refuse to admit any society to membership.
7. Any society who wishes to withdraw from membership shall sign, and lodge with the Management Committee, a written notice to that effect; on receipt of the notice by the Management Committee, the society shall cease to be a member.
8. Any society may be expelled from membership by way of a resolution passed by majority vote of the Council, providing the following procedures have been observed:
(a) At least 21 days’ notice of the intention to propose the resolution must be given to the member concerned, specifying the grounds for the proposed expulsion.
(b) The member concerned shall be entitled to be heard on the resolution at the Council meeting at which the resolution is proposed.
9. Members shall be required to pay an annual membership subscription; unless and until otherwise determined by the Council. The amount of the annual membership subscription shall be determined by the Council.
(a) The Council may vary the amount of the annual membership subscription and/or the date on which it falls due in each year.
(b) If the membership subscription payable by any member remains outstanding more than three months after the date on which it fell due (and providing the member has been given at least one written reminder) the Council may, by resolution to that effect, expel the member from membership.
(c) A society who ceases (for whatever reason) to be a member shall not be entitled to any refund of the membership subscription.
10. Powers
The Council shall excise all of the powers listed in clause 3. In addition, the Council shall elect
(a) the ordinary members of the Management Committee,
(b) the members of the Scientific Advisory Board,
(c) and other office bearers (if any) as they consider appropriate. Further powers of the Council are
(d) the delegation of any of its powers to any sub-committee consisting of one or more persons,
(e) the nomination of the congress organiser,
(f) the approval of any changes of the constitution,
(g) decisions concerning membership fees,
(h) recruitment of paid employees,
(i) and decisions concerning an increase of expenses by 20 per cent or more of its annual membership income.
11. Membership
(a) Ordinary members of the Council are the delegates of the affiliated neuroscientifical and Medical societies. Each neuroscientifical society has one vote with a maximum of two votes per country.
(b) Associate members are: (1) the members of the Management Committee, (2) the members of the Scientific Advisory Board, and (3) the past, present, and future congress organisers. They (1-3) have no vote unless they are ordinary members of the Council.
In addition, the ordinary members of the Council are free to invite experts or representatives of subcommittees or other organizations to the Council meeting.
12. Meetings
(a) The Council shall convene at least every two years.
(b) The Secretary will ask the Council members for topics at least 28 days before the Council meeting and will send the invitation with the agenda to the Council members at least 14 days before the meeting. In the case of a resolution to alter the constitution, the agenda must include a notice which sets out the terms of the proposed alteration.
(c) The President of the College shall preside as chairperson of each Council Meeting; if the chair is not present and willing to act as chairperson within 15 minutes after the time at which the meeting was due to commence, the members of the Council present at the meeting shall elect from among themselves the person who will act as chairperson of that meeting.
(d) The business of each Council meeting shall include at least: (1) A report by the President on the activities of the College. (2) A report by the Treasurer on the financial status of the College and Association.
(e) A resolution put to the vote at a Council meeting shall be decided on a show of hands unless a secret ballot is demanded by the chairperson (or by at least two members present in person at the meeting).
(f) If a vote is necessary between Council meetings, it is organized by the Secretary via electronic communication as a secret ballot.
(g) If there are an equal number of votes for and against any resolution, the President or chairperson of the meeting shall be entitled to a casting vote.
Management Committee
13. Powers
The Management Committee is responsible for the day-to-day administration of the Federation and its assets.
14. Membership
(a) Ordinary members of the Management Committee are the President, Past-President, President-Elect, the Treasurer, and the Secretary. No more than two of the ordinary members of the Management Committee shall have the same country of membership.
(b) Associate members are the present, past, and future congress organizers.
The ordinary members of the Management Committee are free to invite additional experts or representatives of subcommittees or other organizations to their meetings.
15. Meetings
(a) The Management Committee shall convene a meeting when required by any member, to deal with the day-to-day management of the College. Otherwise the Management Committee shall collaborate via electronic communication.
(b) A meeting of the Management Committee at which at least three members of the Management Committee are present may exercise all powers exercisable by the Management Committee.
(c) At least 14 days’ notice must be given of any Management Committee meeting; the notice must indicate the general nature of any business to be dealt with at the meeting.
(d) The President of the College shall (if present and willing to act as chairperson) preside as chairperson of each management committee meeting; if the chair is not present and willing to act as chairperson within 15 minutes after the time at which the meeting was due to commence, the members of the management committee present at the meeting shall elect from among themselves the person who will act as chairperson of that meeting.
Scientific Advisory Board
16. Powers
The Scientific Advisory Board shall have the role of advising the Council and Management Committee on scientific matters including, but not limited to, the programme for the next congress.
17. Membership
The Scientific Advisory Board consists of up to seven members. No more than two members of the Scientific Advisory Board shall have the same country of membership.
18. Meetings
The Scientific Advisory Board shall collaborate via electronic communication.
19. A person shall not be eligible for election/appointment to the Council or Management Committee unless his/her neuropsychological society is a member of th College. Eligibility to the Scientific Advisory Board is not limited to members of the neuropsychological societies of the College.
Election, retiral, re-election
20. Council: Each European Society of Neuroscientific which partakes in the College shall be responsible for appointing its representative Council member.
21. Management Committee: The duration of office for the President-Elect, President, Past-President, Treasurer, and Secretary shall be two years. Treasurer and Secretary could be re-elected. The President could be re- elected as President-Elect at the earliest two years after completion of his/her terms as Past-President. The election could be held at the Council meeting or via electronic communication.
22. Scientific Advisory Board: Candidates for the Scientific Advisory Board are nominated by the neuropsychological societies of the Federation. Duration of office shall be four years. Re-election shall be possible. The election could be held at the Council meeting or via electronic communication.
Termination of office
23. A member of the Council and/or Management Committee and/or Scientific Advisory Board (except b) shall automatically vacate office if:
(a) he/she becomes incapable for medical reasons of fulfilling the duties of his/her office and such incapacity is expected to continue for a period of more than six months,
(b) his/her neuropsycho society ceases to be a member of the College
(c) he/she becomes an employee of the College
(d) he/she resigns office by notice to the College
24. The Management Committee shall ensure that minutes are made of all proceedings at Management Committee meetings and Council meetings; a minute of any meeting shall include the names of those present, and (as far as possible) shall be signed by the chairperson of the meeting.
Accounting records and annual accounts
25. The Management Committee shall ensure that proper accounting records are maintained in accordance with all applicable statutory requirements.
26. The Management Committee shall prepare annual accounts, complying with all relevant statutory requirements; if an audit is required under any statutory provisions or if they otherwise think fit, they shall ensure that an audit of such accounts is carried out by a qualified auditor.
27. Any notice which requires to be given to a member under this constitution shall be in writing, such a notice may either be via the respective neuropsychological society; given personally to the member or be sent by post in a pre-paid envelope addressed to the member at the address last intimated by him/her to the College or by sending it to their registered e- mail address together with a standard header.
Register of members
28. The Secretary shall maintain a register of Council members, Management Committee members and Scientific Advisory Board, setting out the full name and address of each member, the date on which each such person became a member, and the date on which any person ceased to hold office as a member. This information could be indirectly maintained by liaising with the relevant partaking societies. Rights of accessing such lists of members’ details shall be reserved and shall not be used for commercial purposes.
Personal interests
29. A member of the Council and/or Management Committee who has a personal interest in any transaction or other arrangement which the Federation is proposing to enter into, must declare that interest at a meeting of the management committee; he/she will be debarred (in terms of clause 30) from voting on the question of whether or not the College should enter into that arrangement.
30. For the purposes of clause 29, a person shall be deemed to have a personal interest in an arrangement if any partner or other close relative of his/hers or any firm of which he/she is a partner or any limited company of which he/she is a substantial shareholder or director, has a personal interest in that arrangement.
31. Provided he/she has declared his/her interest - and has not voted on the question of whether or not the Federation should enter into the relevant arrangement - a member of the Council and/or Management Committee will not be debarred from entering into an arrangement with the College in which he/she has a personal interest and may retain any personal benefit which he/she gains from his/her participation in that arrangement.
32. No member of the Council and/or Management Committee may serve as an employee (full time or part time) of the College, and no member of the Council and/or Management Committee may be given any remuneration by the College for carrying out his/her duties as a member of the Council and/or Management Committee.
Holding of property
33. The title to all property (including any land or buildings, the tenant’s interest under any lease and (so far as appropriate) any investments) shall be held either in the names of the president, treasurer and secretary of the College (and their successors in office) or in name of a nominee company holding such property in trust for the College; any person or body in whose name the College’s property is held shall act in accordance with the directions issued from time to time by the Management Committee.
34. If the Management Committee determines that it is necessary or appropriate that the Federation be dissolved, it shall convene a Council meeting; not less than 21 days’ notice of the meeting (stating the terms of the proposed resolution) shall be given.
35. If a proposal by the Management Committee to dissolve the College is confirmed by a two-thirds majority of the Council members convened under clause 40, the Management Committee shall have power to dispose of any assets held by or on behalf of the College - and any assets remaining after satisfaction of the debts and liabilities of the College shall be transferred to some other charitable body or bodies having objects similar to those of the College; the identity of the body or bodies to which such assets are transferred shall be determined by the members of the College at, or prior to, the time of dissolution.
36. For the avoidance of doubt, no part of the income or property of the College shall be paid or transferred (directly or indirectly) to the members, either in the course of the College’s existence or on dissolution.
Alterations to the constitution
37. The constitution may be altered by a resolution passed by not less than two- thirds of the Council members.
1. British Neuropsychological Society (BNS)
2. Danish Neuropsychological Society
3. Gesellschaft für NeuroPsychologie Österreich - GNPÖ (Austrian Society for Neuropsychology)
4. Gesellschaft für Neuropsychologie, GNP (German Neuropsychological Society)
5. Nederlandse Vereniging voor Neuropsychologie - NVN (Dutch Neuropsychological Society)
6. Neuropsychology Special Interest Group of the Psychological Society of Ireland
7. Norwegian Neuropsychological Society
8. Seccão de Neurologia do Comportamento da Sociedade Portuguesa de Neurologia (Behavioral Neurology Section of the Portuguese Society of Neurology)
9. Societa’ Italiana di Neuropsicologia - SINP (Italian Society of Neuropsychology)
10. Société de Neuropsychologie de Langue Française
11. Spanish Federation of Neuropsychological Societies
12. Suomen Neuropsykologinen Yhdistys (Finnish Neuropsychological Society)
13. Swedish Neuropsychological Society
14. Swiss Society of Neuropsychologists
15. Vlaamse Vereniging voor Neuropsychologie (VVNP) - Flemish Society for Neuropsychology.
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